The following information has been taken from a website created by Lancsman. There are no contact details on thewebsite, so the webmaster has not been able to contact the author for permission to reproduce the article. He hasmuch more local information on the site which can be found here.I would like to say how much help the Reverend Dowsett has been in my research into the Pilgrims' Cross. The manwas passionate about Holcombe and wrote beautifully about the village in his books and other documents. Thank you,Sir, if you are looking down and 'tutting' about my somewhat lame attempt to gather together some of the facts aboutthis historically important village.The following two poems were penned by the Reverend H Dowsett, then Vicar of Holcombe, around the turn of the19th century. The first invokes in me a picture of pilgrim groups, weary from the long, hard trek through HolcombeForest and up Harcles Hill. If one stands quite a distance from the hill and imagines Redisher Woods covering thewhole of it and as far as can be seen of the moors, both left and right, one may get an impression, perhaps, of how itonce looked. The second describes exactly what many of us locals have done - a lovely picnic atop the hill on a summers day.Wonderful!POSSIBLY UNTITLEDOld weather-beaten stone! Thou hast a story, Telling of bygone scenes in ages hoary; When Whalley pilgrims knelt around to pray, And rest awhile, amid the heat of day.Plantagenet bore rule when thou wast set up here, And sires and sons have gone – how brief is life! But Holcombe's hills encircle thee as dear Old, steadfast friends, faithfull 'mid stress and strife.Then centuries rolled on; true light arose; The misty, devious ways were left untrod; No longer 'neath they shade men sought repose, For better pathways led them up to God.They might have left thee in they solitude Inviolate, but those old times were rude; Despoilers came, iconclasts in mood, Then thy fair shaft no longer upright stood.By these has pageant passed, mingled of joy and woe; But what has been, what is, and e'en what might have been, Is traced in characters none here may know, The Omniscient only hath its record seen.Hoar stone – farewell! I leave thee with regret; They solemn lesson my dull heart hath conned; Thou bid'st me, 'midst life's fever and its fret, Live for that better world which lies beyond.Nov 16th 1896...............................................................................................NOON-TIDE AT PILGRIMS' CROSSWearied we rested by this ancient Stone One summer's day, Where pilgrims oft in ages long agone Have knelt to pray.They came afar, perhaps from Cambria's stand O'er hill and dale; or some from Sicily, or Holy Land, For home set sail.The track o'er this wild Holcombe moorland steep, Sandalled they trod; The City gates, we fain will trust, now keep Their souls with God.Blest band of pilgrims! To have gained the rest Of heaven's bright home; No longer sought by hard, laborious quest; No more they roam.No more is theirs a long and weary way To ancient shrine; On them hath dawned the beatific day - Be that day mine!Yet here, as they, we linger once again; Pilgrims are we, With staff in hand; a few steps more, and then - Eternity!July 11, 1901There was once a cross, hundreds of years ago, though until 1901 all that remained of the original relic was the stonesocket into which the cross had once been been set. It is known the cross was there in 1166, probably much earlier,when pilgrims would worship here, possibly on the way to the Cross of Paulinus at Whalley Abbey.Presumably it was maintained either by locals or the monks from Whalley Abbey or Bretton. Please see the Charter ofRoger de Montbegon here where there is mention of it with the original spelling.Unknown vandals destroyed this stone socket in one night of destructive frenzy in 1901. Never caught, theperpetrators actions led to the forming of a committee to replace this important relic.Some curious history with reference to the plug-drawing in Ramsbottom and Tottington was found on the socketbefore it was destroyed – there were several crude inscriptions, one of them being …RP 1842 A 12 REMBERThe initials are purported to be those of Reuben Pilkington who could have been involved in some way with drawingplugs from the factory boilers, thereby stopping all the machines run by that devil, steam power, during the riots.The Rev H Dowsett has been responsible for helping me with my research, and I stumbled across a letter, quite bychance, from him to the Bury Times on August 21, 1901 ...The Bury Times, Saturday August 24, 1901. WANTON DESTRUCTION OF THE PILGRIMS' CROSS STONE. To the Editor.Sir, - Within the last few days a wanton act has been perpetrated on Holcombe Moor, in the complete destruction ofthe ancient Pilgrims' Cross Stone. I saw this relic of the past intact on Saturday, August 3rd, but it has now utterlydisappeared. The massive foundation stone which belonged to the Cross, and which was all that remained of it, has been smashedto pieces, and an attempt made to bury the fragments. In this, an act of vandalism has been committed which is simply outrageous, and, surely, could not be equalled. It isalso an affront to every student of antiquarian matters in the county, and it deserves the severest reprobation andpenalty. Whoever did this atrocious act, or in any way participated in it, or connived at it, should sternly be made tofeel that it is insolent,infamous, nay criminal. The Cross, of which this now broken-up stone formed part, is referred to with much interest and at some length, inWhitaker's "Whalley," Ed.1872, Vol. L, pp. 101 and 323-6 Baines' "Lancashire;" Ed. 1868, Vol. L., p. 524, also makesmost interesting mention of it. The Cross is referred to as a boundary, in part, in a bequest of land in HolcombeForest, made by Roger de Montbegon, mesne lord under the Lacy's, to the Monastery of Monk Bretton, and the date ofthe bequest is about A.D. 1225. So the Pilgrims' Cross on Holcombe Moor was in existence then, and how much earliernone can tell. The old public moorland track runs close to the now vacant site of the demolished stone. The six-inch ordnance map,sheet 79, survey 1844, shows this clearly. Thus there can be no claim that anyone using this ancient path istrespassing; the the very words "Foot Path" are printed on the map close to the usual dotted lines, which show thistrack, and which passes over the shoulder of Bull Hill and onward. But, be this as it may, those who could in any wayappreciate such an act of vandalism as to destroy this time-honoured stone must be persons of a very peculiar mentaltype indeed. And those persons are still at large! I have heard, sir, that some of your readers have been interested in my rough-cast notes on Holcombe, which, byyour courtesy, appeared in the Bury Times some few months ago. I am concious they were meagre, truly; but afterfrequent requests by friends hereabout so to do, I sent them for publication, so that the facts, which I obtained andrecorded in the notes, might come to the knowledge of others than those for whom I originally prepared them. Thesesympathetic readers will assuredly share my strong sense of abhorrence of this abominable outrage which hasdeprived our historic Holcombe Moor of an ancient monument erected some seven hundred years ago. I may add that the fragments of this stone show that its destruction was brought about by some very clumsydepredators, and not by an ordinary skilled worker in stone-craft. An expert, with whom I visited the place to-day,pointed this out to me. Wedges had been inserted in the block, and they had been very clumsily dealt with. Thewedge-holes, too, were badly made, and other marks showed the unskilful use of heavy hammers. I identifiedportions of the inscription which had been cut upon the stone. These lie among the broken pieces, which weigh,variously, from five to twenty pounds. They tell too plainly the story of the destruction of the relic, which, whenintact, might have weighed a ton or thereabout. I also found other clear evidence that the destruction by thesevandals had been committed on the site where the stone so long had stood, and the broken-up parts carried to, andplaced in, a wet "bog-hole" situated twenty yards distant, and almost due south of it. To keep secret their infamous action, the depredators covered over the "bog-hole" with masses of whinberry roots,&c., removed from the surface close at hand. - I am, sir, yours faithfully,H. DOWSETT.Holcombe Rectory, August 21st, 1901THE MEMORIAL STONEThe memorial stone consists of a massive block of sandstone, 5ft (1.524mtrs) high and 3ft (0.914mtrs) square,standing on a base-stone 4.5ft (1.372mtrs) square and 12in (0.30mtrs). In thickness. Together the stones (quarried atFletcher Bank) weigh about 5 tons (4.54 tonnes), and fourteen horses were required to drag them to their presentposition. They were taken up to the moor in an undressed state, and the sculpting done on the spot, with Mr JPilkington of Ramsbottom as overlooker. The lettering was cut by Mr Pilkington's son, Thomas, a descendant ofReuben Pilkington who carved on the old stone the inscription referring to the labour troubles in the early part of lastcentury (see above). On each of the four sides of the monument are clearly-cut inscriptions, as follow ...SOUTHNOTHING IS KNOWN OF THE REMOVAL OF THE ANCIENT CROSS, BUT ITS MASSIVE SOCKETTED FOUNDATION STONE REMAINED HERE UNTIL AUGUST, 1901--------------------------------------------------------------------------------WESTON THIS SITE STOOD THE ANCIENT PILGRIMS CROSS IT WAS STANDING A.D. 1176 AND PROBABLY MUCH EARLIER PILGRIMS TO WHALLEY ABBEY PRAYED AND RESTED HERE.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------NORTHIN A.D. 1176 AND IN A.D. 1225 THE PILGRIMS CROSS IS NAMED IN CHARTERS OF GIFTS OF LAND IN HOLCOMBE FOREST. IN A.D. 1662, KIMG CJARLES II GAVE THIS MANOR TO GENERAL MONK, DUKE OF ALBERMARLE THROUGH WHOM IT HAS DESCENDED TO THE PRESENT LORD OF THE MANOR--------------------------------------------------------------------------------EASTTHIS MEMORIAL STONE WAS PLACED HERE MAY 24TH 1902 BY THE COPYHOLDERS OF THE MANOR AND OTHERS.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE PILGRIMS' CROSS STONEOld Holcombe Pilgrims Stone, farewell! We grieve at thy inglorious end; No softened tone of rung-out knell Did thy last hour attend.Farewell, old friend! what can atone This heartless, sordid, selfish, deed, If thou by Vandals wast o'erthrown For money's paltry meed?The student youth, the grey-haired sire, With Masters of historic lore, In Palatine of Lancashire Keenly thy loss deplore.Thou hadst a mission to fulfil In by-gone years of hoary past, Showing the track on Forest Hill To home and rest at last.A kindly friend thou oft hadst been To many who afar did roam; In summer heat and wintry scene, A land-mark to guide home.Seven hundred years they voice here spoke, Telling of better world than this; Who knows but some from dreams awoke! Fearing that world to miss.Shades of the past-arise, dismayed! Thy ancient Stone stands here no more, Where pilgrims often knelt and prayed When crossing Holcombe Moor.But thou art gone! We heave the sigh Of sorrow and of keen regret; For strewn around they fragments lie, With tears of dew-drops wet.The Rev H Dowsett, 1901